The Algebra I and/or ELASS pathway is for students that are seeking to be placed into a rigorous math and/or English courses that are one level above honors level courses. Due to these courses being challenging and rigorous, it is important to make sure that students demonstrate the prior knowledge and ability to succeed with this curriculum. The completion of the English and/or math sample assessment is a prerequisite and the sample assessment data will be used along with AASA data to determine if students are prepared for Algebra I and/or ELASS courses. All interested students are invited to register to complete the sample assessment at Sossaman Middle School on Saturday, February 8th OR February 22nd at 9AM.
Please click on the ELA and Math Sample Assessment Registration Form to register your future Spartan and locate additional information specific to the sample assessment testing sessions.
- The check-in process will begin at 8:45AM, testing will begin at approximately 9AM and participant's will have until 12PM to complete the sample assessment(s).
- The average time to complete the math sample assessment is 70-minutes and the average time for the English sample assessment is 115-minutes.
- Students may bring water and a snack.
- Students will be provided with all of the necessary sample assessment materials.
- The results of the sample assessment and honors placement will not be communicated until after June 2nd.
Please know that students will not be placed in the Algebra I and ELASS pathway without completing the sample assessment.
The sample assessments are NOT required for those only interested in honors level placement, which is one level above on-level placement. The data from the 24-25 AASA assessment will be used for on-level and honors placement.
The results and the placement determination will be communicated to families whether or not your student has been placed into the Algebra I or ELASS class or both classes after June 2nd.
Students who are placed into Algebra I are also placed into Conceptual Physics for their Science class.
Effective in the upcoming 25-26 academic year, the new format will have ELASS scheduled as independent, subject-specific classes with one teacher in each 55-minute class period. This change in format shifts the class from being a blended, integrated curriculum to a cross-disciplinary focus. Students will be instructed with the goal of making cross-curricular connections between the English and Social Studies content by viewing one discipline from the perspective of the other. Both courses will emphasize analyzing evidence from the historical record using a variety of lenses and perspectives and synthesizing that knowledge through the study of literary texts that will challenge students to make meaningful connections between the two content areas. Reading and writing activities in both subject areas will emphasize the skills of text analysis and synthesis through the organization and composition of constructed responses, DBQs, as well as explanatory and argumentative essays. The independent courses will continue to focus on the needs of our highly performing students and student performance proficiencies will continue to be reviewed annually to ensure proper placement and opportunity for growth.